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Nurse's Office

Beth Shidner

Welcome to Summit Innovations School’s Nurse’s Station!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns:

307-732-3716 or

Visit the Health Services page to access medical forms and related information.

When Should a Student Stay Home From School?
It is very important that we prevent the spread of communicable disease. Before returning to school:
• Students should be fever free for 24 hours without use of fever reducing medications.
• Students should be free of continuous coughing.
• Students should remain at home until 24 hours after the last episode of vomiting or diarrhea.
• Students should remain home for 24 hours after taking the first dose of antibiotic for an infection.

Emergency Medications at School:
Please complete the Rx Med Form if your child's medical condition requires them to carry an Epi-pen, Benadryl, Insulin/Diabetic supplies, or an inhaler with them at all times.  You must have their doctor sign or stamp the form before filing it with the school. Please bring the medication in the original container – whether it’s a prescription medication or over-the-counter medicine.  This form must be renewed each year.  This form also needs to be completed by parents and doctor and returned to the school nurse, if your student needs to take prescription medication during school hours.

Medication Permission:
Please complete the Generic Medication Release form if your student has "as needed" medications that they may need during school hours.  Please remember that you or another adult must bring the medication to school.  Students are not allowed to transport medication to and from school or carry medication at school (there is an exception for prescriptions for life threatening conditions).  Please bring the medication, to the school nurse, in the original container – whether it’s a prescription medication or over-the-counter medicine.  Any/all medication taken at school must go through the school nurse.  The medication release form must be renewed each year.